Could an underdog party leader and Facebook be key to energizing Britain’s vital youth vote?

President Barack Obama

Facebook unveils new tools

SAN FRANCISCO - Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg Wednesday unveiled a box of new tools that he said will extend the social networking phenomenon to every corner of the internet.

Kelly Clarkson sparks smoking debate as tobacco company sponsors Indonesian concert

American Idol winner sparks smoking debate

House Speaker Pelosi denounces ‘unsavory’ reprisals threatened against members of Congress

President Barack Obama speaks briefly on Afghanistan
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Trust but verify: If you’re booking a vacation rental online, be sure to ask lots of questions

When renting vacation homes, ask lots of questions

More stuff, more options: Recession, Internet affect the market for used items

Some options for selling unwanted stuff

Spring for many homeowners means confronting all the things that have filled up the closets, basement and garage over the past year. As the late comedian George Carlin used to say: “Your house is a pile of stuff with a cover on it.”

White House dinner crashers met Obama; Secret Service says officers didn’t check guest list

President Barack Obama, daughter Sasha Obama and wife
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