Frustrated by demands of Senate moderates, Democrats look ahead to disputes over health bill

News Pres Obama Healthcare
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Senate Democrats unite to push health bill over first hurdle

Health care bill clears first Senate hurdle

Democrats seal 60-vote majority to advance health care bill; Landrieu, Lincoln to vote ‘yes’

Historic health care bill nears key Senate vote

Russian president scolds ruling party over regional elections, says acted undemocratically

President Vladimir Putin
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GOP: Recommendations for fewer women’s health tests could mean rationed health care under bill

President Barack Obama

Former pharmaceutical executive forms to run as Democrat for Kansas governor

President Barack Obama speaks briefly on Afghanistan

Democrats promise jobs bill but speedy enactment unlikely

Democrats promise jobs bill

WASHINGTON — House Democrats are looking at swelling deficits further, at least temporarily, on a jobs-producing bill in response to double-digit unemployment and a sense within their ranks that the party needs to do more to put people back to work.

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  • MilindaMoragoda Spotlight: Our Political Parties And Their Manifestos - Sunday Leader: #lka #srilanka #SLNC
  • forumnigeria Save Nigeria from collapse, CNPP tasks FEC: 02-27-2010The Conference of Nigerian Political Parties has admonished ...
  • OlyPolitics Salena Zito: Hillary's Dems Key: As both political parties consider how to gain the fickle support of Tea Party ac...
  • Sirallenrolly Would anyone be interested in a quality outline (typed) for ch. 7- political parties...?
  • freelancegreen It is time for the partisan bickering to stop amongst all political parties and help this nation rise for the benefit of all Americans.
  • SRPolitics Sounds like we left town on the wrong weekend & missed 2 good political parties last night-Demo crab feed & Randy Poole retirement party.
  • HawaiiBill #democrats Those who dislike political parties but do not attend precinct meetings to kick out bad leaders are the cause of our problems,
  • larrydhalstead In history of American Slavery, ALL political parties had blood on their hands shared by every President til Lincoln. #p2 @interactionswst
  • jonnblaze The UK is in a really bad shape when the only realistic options we have are these two political parties...
  • KondarRSS Op-Ed Contributor | The Health Care Show of Shows: Six Ideas for America!: The two political parties held a serio...

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Political Parties

  • simonford Political Parties Are More Important Than Ever | Legal
  • shanakluck RT @JoeNBC: 86% of Americans think Washington is broken. A growing number are Independents.
  • alimostofi Indian political parties (including Congress Party allies) protest as govt raises fuel prices to stem high fi... #iran
  • polymath22 The Ron Paul Delusion
  • higgers @Jo_Ind Yes. That was the starting point.
  • guruvan Now following all the 'real' political parties in Sweden. Let's see how you all use twitter to your advantage...
  • dougmataconis RT @JoeNBC: Wake up, America. The crisis we face has been caused by both political parties.
  • obamafailure Ron Paul: Oath to US Constitution rejected by both parties leadership. US revolt coming (Political Hotwire)
  • ricetopher @EricPatrickMarr @jmclifton Political parties have nothing 2 fear. Incumbents yes, but parties have legal/structural firewalls for survival.
  • tortue @davidonformosa : Countries like France did so much worse things between 1945 and 1962 and political parties are the sames,
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