Summary Box: Administration taps Walsh to serve as acting head of comptroller’s office
By APFriday, July 23, 2010
Summary Box: Acting comptroller selected
BANK REGULATOR: The Obama administration has selected John G. Walsh to be acting head of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, which regulates 1,500 national banks including the largest banks.
DUGAN SUCCESSOR: Walsh will succeed on a temporary basis John Dugan, who announced earlier this month that he was stepping down on Aug. 14 at the end of his five-year term.
OCC CONTROVERSY: Dugan, who was appointed by George W. Bush, was criticized by consumer advocates for siding with the banking industry in opposing the effort by states to crack down on abusive lending practices. Dugan argued that it would be too costly and confusing to require banks to operate under a variety of state laws.
Filed under: Finance, Financial Services, Government, Industries
Tags: Government Regulations, Industry Regulation
Tags: Government Regulations, Industry Regulation