
The Bank of America has announced today that it will stop handling payments for Wikileaks.
Rome, Dec 3 (IANS/AKI) Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin may have offered Italy's billionaire premier Silvio Berlusconi a share of the profits from projects jointly developed by their respective country's biggest energy companies, according to a diplomatic cable posted on the whistleblowing WikiLeaks website.
WASHINGTON - After sending shock waves across world capitals leaking a quarter million State Department cables, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has threatened to unleash tens of thousands of documents that could "take down a bank or two."
A fresh "megaleak" will target a "big US bank early next year," he told Forbes in an interview posted Monday without naming the bank.
WASHINGTON - WikiLeaks plans to release thousands of internal documents from a major US bank in early 2011, Forbes magazine reported Monday.
NEW YORK - US stocks fell Monday over concerns that the Irish bailout wouldn't stem the European debt crisis, tensions simmering on the Korean Peninsula and the release of thousands of secret US diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks.