
UNITED NATIONS - Iran's president on Tuesday predicted the defeat of capitalism and blamed global big business for the suffering of millions, but Germany's chancellor said market economies were key to lifting the world's least developed countries out of poverty.

UNITED NATIONS - Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says capitalism is facing defeat and is calling for an overhaul of the "undemocratic and unjust" global decision-making bodies.

PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil - Leftists who converged in Brazil to protest what they view as uncontrolled capitalism ended the World Social Forum on Friday with vows to take advantage of the financial crisis to promote a global socialist agenda.
Capitalism's woes cheered at World Social Forum
PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil - Leftists are pouring into town to rail against freewheeling capitalism during the World Social Forum, gleefully cheering the humbling of bankers and business titans by the global economic meltdown.
Leftists slam capitalism at Social Forum in Brazil
PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil - Tens of thousands of leftists massed Monday to kick off five days of railing against unfettered capitalism at the World Social Forum, a gathering that protests the bankers and other leaders who attend the World Economic Forum at a Swiss ski resort.
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