Condos And Co-ops

MADISON, Wis. - Developers are responsible for paying property taxes on land where they intend to build condominiums, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Friday in a victory for condo owners and municipalities.

MIAMI - Freddie Mac is moving to buoy the battered Florida condo market, waiving lending rules that made it harder to buy and sell units in many condo buildings.

WASHINGTON - Fannie Mae is seeking to prop up Florida's ravaged real estate market by reviewing hundreds of condo projects in the state that currently don't qualify for its loans.

New lending rules for condominium buyers are already forcing some developers to change or scrap plans for new projects for fear too many buyers will be shut out.

HONOLULU - November saw Oahu's existing single-family homes and condominiums market rise sharply compared with November 2008, with one economist saying the market has begun to bounce back after bottoming out.
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