David Goldman

RIO DE JANEIRO - A New Jersey man made an emotional plea Friday for Brazilian authorities to let him take his son home in a custody fight that is expanding into a political tussle and testing the limits of an international child abduction treaty.
NJ dad seeks Brazil gov't backing in custody fight
RIO DE JANEIRO - A New Jersey man fighting for custody of his 9-year-old son has asked Brazil's attorney general to join his battle before the nation's Supreme Court, and officials said Friday they are studying the request.
US dad seeks Brazil gov't backing in custody fight
RIO DE JANEIRO - A New Jersey man fighting for custody of his 9-year-old son has asked Brazil's attorney general to join his battle before the nation's Supreme Court, and officials said Friday they are studying the request.
Brazil's top court halts boy's return to US dad
RIO DE JANEIRO - A long-running fight by a New Jersey man to win custody of his 9-year-old son from the Brazilian family of his deceased ex-wife has been delayed again - and the battle is turning ugly.
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