
DENVER - Businessmen gather at an empty Denver Broncos stadium, with an ominous warning: The more than 70,000 vacant seats around them represent the number of state jobs that would be lost if three tax-slashing and debt-cutting measures are approved in next month's election.

DENVER - Medics have met a Frontier Airlines flight at the Denver airport after a child on board was reported to potentially have a contagious disease.

DENVER - Umpires are keeping a close eye on game balls at Coors Field after the San Francisco Giants expressed concern to the commissioner's office that the Colorado Rockies might be using "juiced" balls when they're batting.

DENVER - Clean-tech company Evergreen Energy Inc.

DENVER - A federal appeals court has thrown out a jury verdict and a $926 million award to thousands of Colorado homeowners in a lawsuit involving plutonium contamination from a now-defunct nuclear weapons plant.
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