
LUBBOCK, Texas - Fields of white cotton once stretched as far as the eye could see across the fertile Mississippi Delta, but now many of those acres are flush with green corn stalks.

LUBBOCK, Texas - Former Texas gubernatorial candidate Clayton Williams has sued a West Texas water district for denying his application to pump water from beneath his land.

LUBBOCK, Texas - Texas Gov. Rick Perry took another swipe at Washington and big government, issuing proposals Wednesday that would make it difficult for the Legislature to raise taxes and would limit the amount state spending could grow.

LUBBOCK, Texas - Two years after missing out on an experimental coal-fired power plant, the city of Odessa hasn't given up on bringing a similar project to town and hopes to hear within days whether $350 million in federal stimulus funds will help make that happen.

LUBBOCK, Texas - The mood around Odessa, Texas, was glum when the city missed out on a one-of-a-kind coal power plant to be built through a public-private venture.
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