Political Parties

PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Rhode Island Democratic candidate for governor Frank Caprio on Friday criticized his independent rival Lincoln Chafee over Chafee's acknowledgment that his old Senate campaign committee of $18,400 in back taxes and fees due to a misunderstanding of tax regulations by his campaign treasurers.

WASHINGTON - Democrats are pouring money into roughly two-dozen districts around the country and pulling it back from others as they struggle to keep control of the House in the campaign's closing weeks.

DENVER - Businessmen gather at an empty Denver Broncos stadium, with an ominous warning: The more than 70,000 vacant seats around them represent the number of state jobs that would be lost if three tax-slashing and debt-cutting measures are approved in next month's election.

CRESSKILL, N.J. - President Barack Obama asked wealthy donors Wednesday to help him close an "enthusiasm gap" with Republicans four weeks ahead of pivotal midterm elections.

CONCORD, N.H. - New Hampshire Democratic Senate candidate Paul Hodes says his Republican rival is being hypocritical when she attacks health care reforms that provide coverage to uninsured Americans.
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