
TORONTO - Wary of slamming on the stimulus brakes too quickly but shaken by the European debt crisis, world leaders pledged Sunday to reduce government deficits in richer countries in half by 2013, with wiggle room to meet the goal.
TORONTO - World leaders are lining up behind a bold pledge to cut budget deficits in half by 2013.

TORONTO - World economic powers are struggling to manage the global recovery after surviving the worst financial crisis in decades.

TORONTO - After achieving notable success in dealing with the worst economic crisis in decades, major countries are now struggling to manage the global recovery.

TORONTO - At odds over how to strengthen the global recovery, top world leaders found common ground on foreign policy Saturday, condemning North Korea for the alleged sinking of a South Korean warship and endorsing a five-year exit timetable for Afghanistan
In a joint statement, the leading eight industrial democracies also criticized both Iran and North Korea for continuing their nuclear march and called on both to heed existing United Nations resolutions.