THQ*ICE selects PlaySpan to provide global payment solution

Friday, January 15, 2010

MUMBAI - THQ*ICE announced today the details of its new partnership with PlaySpan, the global leader in monetization solutions for online games, virtual worlds, and social networks. DragonicaT Online adventurers are now able to purchase ICE Cash using PlaySpan’s more than 85 global payment methods.

In addition, PlaySpan is providing comprehensive credit card processing and fraud risk management services.

Dragonica Online is a popular free-to-play massively multiplayer online casual game. Players may choose to pay for additional content and features on a micro-transaction basis using ICE Cash. PlaySpan enables players everywhere to purchase ICE Cash using credit cards, the Ultimate Game Card, and dozens of country specific payment methods.

“PlaySpan’s broad selection of payment methods will enable our players without credit cards to enjoy Dragonica Online’s premium content and enhance their experience,” said Eddie Chen, CEO of THQ*ICE. “The partnership will also help increase our free to paid conversion while effectively controlling transaction and fraud expenses.”

“The THQ*ICE partnership is another example of our global leadership of game monetization,” said Karl Mehta, Founder and CEO of PlaySpan. “We’re proud that we can help increase Dragonica Online’s paying player base almost immediately with our numerous payment methods. In addition, we’re helping them improve profitability through our eleven years of payment and fraud management experience. (ANI)

Filed under: Business

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