United States Of America
GULF OF MEXICO (GaeaTimes.com)- If the recent declaration made by the British Petroleum that it has decided to set aside $20 billion to help the gulf people affected by the spill made the gulf residents feel that the company is at last seriously trying to help them then the latest action of the Chief Executive officer Tony Hayward has left them fall back upon their old idea.
SAN JOSE (GaeaTimes.com)- LogLogic which happens to be a leader in Log and Security management have announced their strategic partnership with Wipro Technologies.
CHICAGO (GaeaTimes.com)- The Shrek glass recall fiasco has not affected fast food giant McDonalds much as it seems from its sales in recent times.
SAN FRANCISCO (GaeaTimes.com)- A few days back McDonald's Corp., the biggest restaurant chain of the world hogged the limelight when it announced a recall of its special edition Shrek glasses.
SAN FRANCISCO (GaeaTimes.com)- This year a huge number of products have been recalled by various companies along with cars.