Bio Box: CEO Raul Vazquez
By APThursday, December 17, 2009
Bio Box: CEO Raul Vazquez
NAME: Raul Vazquez
OCCUPATION: President and CEO of
AGE: 38. Born Aug. 23, 1971
HOME: Burlingame, Calif.
FAMILY: Two children, ages 5 and 7.
EDUCATION: Bachelor’s and master’s degrees in industrial engineering from Stanford University in 1993 and 1994 respectively. MBA from Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, 2004.
WORK HISTORY: Vazquez joined in 2002 as chief marketing officer and was promoted to his current position in early 2007. Prior to joining, Vazquez spent four years at startup companies including Ventro and onSale, an online auction company. Before that, he consulted on competitive strategy for Fortune 100 firms and was an industrial engineer at Baxter International.
QUOTE: “What we like about rivalries is that rivalries make each person better. And I think we have some good rivals right now. We expect to continue to grow faster than they do. And, in doing so, we expect that we will be able to at some point be the biggest. The good thing is that we are patient people.”
HOBBIES: Flyfishing. Reading: currently, “The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President” by Taylor Branch and a book on medieval churches.