Intel McAfee Acquisition greenlit by FTC
By Shaon, Gaea News NetworkWednesday, December 22, 2010
Intel’s claims that the acquisition of McAfee has been given the green signal by FTI. Intel boss was confident yesterday of the outcome and it seems now that his confidence was not misplaced. Another hurdle from the $ 7.8 billion dollar trade was removed with the verdict.
Intel’s VP of investor relations wrote
The Federal Trade Commission has concluded its review of the proposed McAfee transaction and has cleared it
We are continuing to work with the staff at the European Commission as they continue their review
Intel announced the intention of going ahead with the deal on August 19. The recent announcement now clears the way for Intel to implement McAfee’s security features on Intel chips. Intel will be paying $ 48 per share of the company. The new capabilities provided by McAfee chips will come in the market on 2011. McAfee will continue to sell its standalone product.