Summary Box: Moody’s cuts Ireland’s credit rating over rising government debt, bank woes
By APMonday, July 19, 2010
Summary Box: Irish debt woes drive Moody’s cut
THE MOVE: Moody’s cuts Ireland’s credit rating to “Aa2,” two notches below the top triple-A rating. Shares on the Irish Stock Exchange slump.
THE REASON: The ratings agency cites swelling national debt, the unpredictable cost of Ireland’s bank-bailout plans and weak growth prospects for the next three to five years.
THE SILVER LINING: Moody’s lifted its outlook on the risk of loaning money to Ireland to “stable” from “negative,” suggesting it will issue no more downgrades in coming months.
WHAT’S AHEAD: Ireland on Tuesday plans to auction euro1.5 billion ($1.95 billion) in 6-year and 10-year government bonds to help cover a shortfall in tax collections.
Filed under: Corporate, Corporate News, Economy, Finance, Financial Crisis, Financial Markets, Financial Performance, Government
Tags: Debt And Bond Markets, Europe, Ireland, Western Europe
Tags: Debt And Bond Markets, Europe, Ireland, Western Europe