About.me Gets Taken Over By AOL
By Shaon, Gaea News NetworkMonday, December 20, 2010
AOL went on with its plan of aggressive acquisition of the Personal Profile Startup About me just four days after the company went public. The result of this development means that it now is the part of the AOL Consumer application group headed by Brad Garlinghouse.
About me hence forth will be a sister concern of TechCrunch. The simple service did draw 400,000 people during the Beta testing period. The CEO of About.me had earlier sold off his last company Sphere to AOL. Tony Conrad was also an investor in Oddpost which was later acquired by Brad Garlinghouse in the redesign ventures of Yahoo mail. The team behind About.me are trying to come up with ways to integrate the product into AOL’s mail and instant messaging product services. The scale of the acquisition can well be in the tens of millions dollars. Conrad’s blog post states the event as
Ryan, Tim and I are thrilled to announce that about.me has been acquired by Aol. Whereto begin, there is so much to say but we’ll try to be informative, yet brief for today’s ‘get it now, read it fast, tweet it’ internet reader.
Ryan and Tim in question are cofounders Tim Young and Ryan Freitas.